Our Story

Robyn has an ongoing, consuming passion for authentic holistic products and has been active in the Wellness industry (in South Africa and Australia) for the past 25 years.
Her career has encompassed all aspects of the industry, from product development/research/registration and sales management to the training of retail management. She equipped herself for the industry by completing studies in Western Herbal Medicines, Nutritional Science and Sales.

Robyn’s crucial, non-negotiable point has always been product content – products have to be chemical-free and natural to be included in her AbbyOil™. Range.
All the formulas in the range are exposed and patented. Customers can therefore be sure of the product’s cleanliness and purity. Robyn’s ongoing client feedback revealed a definite need for gentle, pure, reasonably-priced hair care products.
This prompted her to explore and research the effects of Abyssinian Oil on hair and skin. She was determined to develop chemical-free product ranges that she would use on her own hair – products that do not irritate the scalp, that make the hair feel grate, that is well priced and delicately fragranced.
AbbyOil's Range’s™ humbled beginnings were in Robyn’s own kitchen. She developed and mixed product formulas manually. Her client feedback was phenomenal. Itchy scalps were eradicated, hair was shining and well conditioned and the products did not weigh the hair down. The real life benefits matched the clinical results! Robyn is committed to extending the AbbyOil™ Range's and new beauty essentials are in the pipeline. Watch this space!